Everything under the sun - all year round!
The North Carolina Greenhouse Vegetable Growers’ Association (NCGHVGA) was started in 1972.
The Purpose of the North Carolina Greenhouse Vegetable Growers Association is to develop and promote all phases of the greenhouse vegetables industry including research on breeding, growing and pest management, application of research pertaining to production, sanitation and marketing, and sponsor shows, sales, exhibitors and contests. Benefits of membership in the N.C. Greenhouse Vegetable.
Chris Smith, President
Smith Nursery
443 Sanders Road
Benson, NC 27504
Ph: 919-9801-9603
Email: smithsnursery.chris@gmail.com
Richard Whitaker, Past- President
Whitaker Farms
2991 Providence Church Rd
Climax, NC 27233
Ph: 336-685-4888
Email: rwwhitakerfarms@bellsouth.net
Charles Holeman, Secretary/Treasurer
Flat River Nursery
1548 Holeman-Ashley Road
Timberlake, NC 27538
Ph: 336-364-2460
Email: frnandfarm@gmail.com
Ryan Patterson, 1st Vice President
Patterson Greenhouse
7893 Cool Springs Rd.
Sanford, NC 27331
Ph: 919-548-4426
Email: materman5@me.com
Cathy Price Horton, Executive Director
P.O. Box 58220
Raleigh, NC 27658
Ph: 919-413-9544 Fax: 919-413-9544
Email: cathy@seasag.com
Board Members
Nancy Bass, Sunburst Tomatoes
481 Bass Road
Nashville, NC 27851
Ph: 252-478-4519
Email: nancyjanebass@gmail.com
Freddie Howell, HS Howell Farms
4371 Massey Road
Zebulon, NC 27567
Email: hshowellfarms@att.net
Cory Parker, C&C Farm
44 Beam Farm
Stony Point, NC 28678
Phone: 704-929-0637
Email: cguyparker@hotmail.com
Kenneth Rudd, Rudd Farms
4021 Hicone Road
Greensboro, NC 27405
Ph: 336-621-1264
Email: ruddfarm@triad.rr.com
Larry Smith
Mindenhill Farms
2687 Minden Road
Pleasants Garden, NC 27313
Ph: 336-674-3061
Advisors to the Board
Faylene Whitaker, Advisor
Whitaker Farms
2991 Providence Church Road
Climax, NC 27233
Ph: 336-685-4888
Email: fwhitaker@bellsouth.net
Tim Bass, Advisor
Sunburst Tomatoes
481 Bass Road
Nashville, NC 27851
Ph: 252-478-4519
Email: timbass18@gmail.com
Debbie Hamrick, Director, Specialty Crops
NC Farm Bureau Federation Inc.
5301 Glenwood Avenue
Raleigh, NC 27611-7766
Ph: 919-334-2977
Email: debbie.hamrick@ncfb.org
Kevin Hardison, Marketing Specialist
NCDA & Consumer Services
NC Dept. of Agriculture & Consumer Services
1020 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699
Office: 919-707-3123
Fax: 919- 715-0155
Mobile 919-218-2156
How many pounds of tomato does the average American eat in a year?